Friday, May 11, 2007

taper is fun. wait, what?

So our sometimes hard to deal with, but essentially well-meaning track coach, Mr. Shipway, is making the running for taper easy. Wait, what's that Lassie? Timmy's fell down a well? The old barn is on fire? WE AREN'T RUNNING FOR TAPER? well i'll be damned. and here I thought in track we would.. well, run. At the very least play frisbee.
So now I've got some extra time in the day. Not to mention some extra energy. Yesterday I went swimming in the Farmington, on an excursion that taught me a valuable truth: if a hill looks muddy and slippery, it probably is, so don't try to run up it and then subsequently faceplant into the mud.
Anyway, going to Fitzgeralds for some taper friendly food, because I just cannot force myself to eat the school apples. after "practice" that is. Yes I have to go and "run" now.

Is anyone else getting really annoyed by the day students braging about their newly aquired ability to drive around with their shiny new licenses? Cause I really am.

welll bye