Friday, January 25, 2008

Senioritis. It's fun. Especially the drop in gra-holyshitwhatthefuck.


89.6 is my grade for
a. Fall Term
b. Winter midterm


Yes, despite my new-found complete lack of motivation, I still managed to pull an 89 out of my ass. How? I have no mutherfucking idea. Honestly, after working my ass off all fall and not getting summus, I was disappointed, for I knew I would never keep my grades that high again. And yet somehow after no working (well, at least much less) for this midterm, I have the exact same grades. Maybe it's just that my brain doesn't work as well when I'm stressed. Or maybe happiness makes me smarter. Who knows? Maybe God. If She exists. That's not the point. Anyway.

So senioritis really is quite awesome. I can't remember feeling this awesome for a long time, maybe never. It just all feels so chilled out. The wind doesn't seem very cold. I walk places slower, and don't need to be listening to music to enjoy being out in the frigid winter anymore. I felt this a bit during the fall. It's the pleasure of raw feelings- the heat while I was running, the cold water while I was swimming in the farmington, even the way my shorts stuck to my legs after swimming- something which used to annoy me. When I go through these phases, I tend to get a lot less picky. I sleep happily in my mattress on the floor with no sheets, I notice how nice my t shirt an PJ's feel as they hang on my skin loosely. My life requires a bike, my school work to do, clothes, a bit of free time, and not much else.
It's hard to do this in the winter. I don't think I've ever done it before, at least. But now that it all doesn't really matter, everything seems better. Now that there's no more xc to worry about, it's actually easier to get out and run like 5 or 6 times a week. I've even made up with Randi and all, and all my friendships seem to be going fine, and I'm so stoked for long weekend.

In short, life's awesome. I kinda wish I had stressed out less earlier as well, but hey, right now's what matters.

yay life!

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