Sunday, July 10, 2011

Interesting moments...

Ha, I just found this blog after three years. It really brightened up my Sunday evening, reading words from my once-witty self.

Well, today I had a dandy time. I went to mass, and I think I need to start going to confession more because frantically trying to tidy up my soul in the 40 minutes before communion is getting nigh exhausting. Afterwards I biked leisurely over to Scheneck's Island and picked wineberries which are now in season! It was one of those peaceful midsummer days when every smell is alive. Lately the away-from-home place switching thing has been wearing on my soul and it takes longer and longer to really be where I am when I come back to New England. But today I was right there. Ate a nice little apple-spice muffin and a egg sandwich by the Norwalk River and biked home. All and all, after a 3 mile run in the town forest, 10 miles of biking, and hauling camping stuff outa the woods, I feel real good. It's rare that a day so fulfilling can be so un-tiring.

I was sort of sad panda to say bye to me week off, but the mass means "sent forth" and I'm ready for another week with God's help and Tyler Durden's reminder of "stop trying to be perfect" in my head. Nighty night and don't let tomorrow's 4th graders bite...

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