Saturday, December 30, 2006


Well, the day is at its end (Saturday just started). I ended up going for a 4 mile run at 330 which was really fun. I am finally rid of my shin splints. I also decided not to think about the Westy drama thing until I have to actually deal with it. After the run i went to my friend Christina's for a small party. We ate cookies and grapes and pizza and then played pingpong, guitar hero, and real guitar. After that we saw Eurotrip, a delightful familly comedy. I recomend it. Watch it with your parents. They'll love it. After that we just sat around and talked untill everybody started to leave. It was a fun noght which reminded me that I should get out more often. Also, on a very exciting note, my hair is almost ponytailable. I'd give it another month or so. My parents are taking the next two days off from work. I think they're going to make me drive tomorrow. So pray. Pray for my soul as well as any other poor soul that may be within a 2 mile radius of the road while I drive our shitmobile through the herds of CT ferraries and lexuses. Happy new years everyone.

my grandma spelled my name wrong on christmass. Twice. lol. But not really.

New topic, same post. Yes. High five!

So for this Christmass I decided to try a little expiriment. I asked my family not to give me any presents. As a Buddhist, I believe both that every day is a holiday, and that material things comprimise our ability to live in the present moment. They respected my wishes and so on Christmass day everyone was openning presents exept me. And I gotta tell you, it really wasn't that bad. It's hard to explain, especially through writing, but I felt kind of freer. I don't have to worry about any more stuff, and I find that once you let go of something such as a hope or a fear or in this case the desire for cool sh*t, you wonder why you were even clinging to it in the first place. In this society of course, we are taught that hope is good, but I disagree. It is like the saying goes, "Hope is not the opposite of despair but rather its source." No one just starts out with a pessimistic outlook. They start out with hopes like let's say, getting into Yale. Someone is trying to get into Yale. Every day, they think of how great going to Yale would be. They cling to the philosophy that they can only be happy to go to Yale. It makes them happy to have that hope. But then they apply and are rejected. Suddenly without that hope, they cling to despair. They still think that the only way to be happy is by going to Yale even thought they know that they can't go there. Despair is born only of hope. But there is an optimistic way of seeing this. You can be happy if you let go of hope and ideals. Doing this completely is to attain enlightenment, and is pretty hard, but even letting go of a few hopes like good grades or excellence in sports, the hopes that are more easilly noticed, can make you feel alot better. It gets harder when you get into the, "I hope my family doesn't die soon" and realated ideals territory. Those are harder to let go of. But just start by letting go of the small stuff. It really works, trust me. And by let go I don't mean switch extremes; just let go. If you consider yourself a liberal, don't just become conservative, just stop creating that illusion of yourself. Don't be a "moderate" either, just be. If you step out of your self-percieved illusions, It is easier for you to see things how they really are. It's hard to do, but try it. Illusions seem comfortable, but they are just philosophical restraints. Another quote I think is in order.
"To often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."

Happy New Years Eve, everyone.
this is Anne, signing off.

Friday, December 29, 2006

To defeat the Huns!

Okay. I have my own blog. Now let's get down to business.
Right now it is winter break and i am at home and freazing my ass off. My dad has this thing where he doesn't think humans require heat to survive. The only reason I'm writing at this late hour is that I am wearing shoes right now. If iI go to bed, I will have to take those shoes off and therefore suffer frostbite. I actually had a delightfull day today. I got up reletively early and drew for about an hour. I was proud of my previous night's accoumplishments. I averted yet another maturity lecture from my parents by pretending i was asleep. Good stuff. Eventually I made my way downstairs. Both my mom and dad were at work, so I watched a few DVDs at close to full blast and ate stopandshop muffins on the couch, chuckling at an absurdly immature joke from my early childhood. The joke: What do you get when you put the A&P and Stop and shop together? Stop & Pee! Yes. I know. I am quite the comedien. Well then I decided to go for a run. and that was enjoyable. I noticed however that the warm weather was causing a the skunk cabbages, which usually don't appear untill around march, to star popping up all aroung the streams. After my run, my friend Brendan took me to the mall for various merriment including a lightsaber fight at Sharper Image (for whigh we got many strange looks), laughing at the emo kids at Hot Topic, realizing that we only had the money for Subway, and graphicnovel hunting at borders. Then we set about for a Wii console, but to no avail. They were all sold out. Dinner was at Brendans. Pasta, bread, and salad, followed by Pirats of the Carabien. My mom picked me up at 1030 before the movie was even over but whatever. When I got home there was Autin Powers followed by Facebook, during which I was glumly reminded of the drama which I left at school and that I am lab partners with one of the drama sources. It's gonna be a sticky situation... That will be a post for tomorrow. Well. I'm tired now. Abyebye.

ps did you get the Mulan reference?