Sunday, July 10, 2011

Interesting moments...

Ha, I just found this blog after three years. It really brightened up my Sunday evening, reading words from my once-witty self.

Well, today I had a dandy time. I went to mass, and I think I need to start going to confession more because frantically trying to tidy up my soul in the 40 minutes before communion is getting nigh exhausting. Afterwards I biked leisurely over to Scheneck's Island and picked wineberries which are now in season! It was one of those peaceful midsummer days when every smell is alive. Lately the away-from-home place switching thing has been wearing on my soul and it takes longer and longer to really be where I am when I come back to New England. But today I was right there. Ate a nice little apple-spice muffin and a egg sandwich by the Norwalk River and biked home. All and all, after a 3 mile run in the town forest, 10 miles of biking, and hauling camping stuff outa the woods, I feel real good. It's rare that a day so fulfilling can be so un-tiring.

I was sort of sad panda to say bye to me week off, but the mass means "sent forth" and I'm ready for another week with God's help and Tyler Durden's reminder of "stop trying to be perfect" in my head. Nighty night and don't let tomorrow's 4th graders bite...

Monday, January 28, 2008

I may have to start using an alarm.

I awake in my floor-mattress. I have no idea what time it is. Why? Because I don't use an alarm, now SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP. I'm trying to tell a story here.
I quickly sit up and glance outside, to see if it is bright enough to be past 8:00, for i have class block 1. Shit. No, wait, it's ok, there's still hope. I'm not perfect at judging that kind of thing with daylight. I fumble through my shithole room and finally find my cell phone. 8:28. SHIT.

This was the second, no, third time this month that I've done this with precal first block on Monday. And what's worse, this is the test day. Shitshitshit...fuck. Well, it's not like I was going to freaking walk in to a test thirty minutes late. So i got dressed, packed my backpack, had some hot sex with your mother, and made my way over. While waiting for the bell to ring, awkwardly standing outside the class door, attempting to make apologetic eye contact with Bart, I was lucky enough to get some sympathy from dr.Koopon. He too agreed that perhaps I need to start doing that alarm thingy again.

Surprisingly, the rest of my day was pretty good. I got the test over with in block 4, although, I probably did not so good. And i did the four year club thing, which made me feel cool AND superior, I got a pats hat from my dad, my bio class got cancelled, and i went on a nice run. I feel like letting stuff go just makes for a better day. Well I gotta go shower.

So, for the record, me sleeping through classes- bad; me sleeping with your mom good. Oh yeah, and the alarm thing that too.

5000, G, we outta here
Peace.. nothing but peace and unity.. sin love and no fighting war in da middle eas'

Oh boy! Substance abuse!

So I believe JZ has officially called this upcoming midwinter break substance abuse weekend. That's fine with me.
There was once a time in Anne's life when she was one of the nicest people around. She did the right thing, defending kids from bullying even at the expense of her own popularity, she worked hard, was a disciplined fighter in Tae Kwon Do, and swore never to do drugs or alcohol. Never. Anne did not think that this would ever be a problem, since she assumed she would stay the same as she was when she was 12 for her whole life.
Then Anne's parent's sent Anne to boarding school. Anne experienced an ethical meltdown as she realized that she was actually as interesting and special as a wet carrot, and saw her brother go into a three year tobacco "experiment." She saw that sometimes life is boring and dull, especially if you live at a boarding school in February.
But fear not, for she, Pilot Power Master Steel Crush Helecyrus Anne Razorclaw Cerebros Hoyt, did not become emo, or buy into the belief that "life sucks and then you die." No. But she did finally realize that "expecting life to treat you fairly because you are a good person is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegitarian."
So Anne now believes that while one should not be selfish and reckless, it's not the worst thing in the world to have a few drinks and smoke pot every once in a while.

Also, if she spends another two weeks without doing something really fun, she is going to quit school. Or go crazy. Or both. Or shout, "ARIBA" and dance around a sombrero. Or all three.

ooo.. Here's a poetic and relevent piece of verse... about... weed..

I smoke two joints in times of peace
And two in times of war
I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints
And then I smoke two more.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Senioritis. It's fun. Especially the drop in gra-holyshitwhatthefuck.


89.6 is my grade for
a. Fall Term
b. Winter midterm


Yes, despite my new-found complete lack of motivation, I still managed to pull an 89 out of my ass. How? I have no mutherfucking idea. Honestly, after working my ass off all fall and not getting summus, I was disappointed, for I knew I would never keep my grades that high again. And yet somehow after no working (well, at least much less) for this midterm, I have the exact same grades. Maybe it's just that my brain doesn't work as well when I'm stressed. Or maybe happiness makes me smarter. Who knows? Maybe God. If She exists. That's not the point. Anyway.

So senioritis really is quite awesome. I can't remember feeling this awesome for a long time, maybe never. It just all feels so chilled out. The wind doesn't seem very cold. I walk places slower, and don't need to be listening to music to enjoy being out in the frigid winter anymore. I felt this a bit during the fall. It's the pleasure of raw feelings- the heat while I was running, the cold water while I was swimming in the farmington, even the way my shorts stuck to my legs after swimming- something which used to annoy me. When I go through these phases, I tend to get a lot less picky. I sleep happily in my mattress on the floor with no sheets, I notice how nice my t shirt an PJ's feel as they hang on my skin loosely. My life requires a bike, my school work to do, clothes, a bit of free time, and not much else.
It's hard to do this in the winter. I don't think I've ever done it before, at least. But now that it all doesn't really matter, everything seems better. Now that there's no more xc to worry about, it's actually easier to get out and run like 5 or 6 times a week. I've even made up with Randi and all, and all my friendships seem to be going fine, and I'm so stoked for long weekend.

In short, life's awesome. I kinda wish I had stressed out less earlier as well, but hey, right now's what matters.

yay life!

Friday, May 11, 2007

taper is fun. wait, what?

So our sometimes hard to deal with, but essentially well-meaning track coach, Mr. Shipway, is making the running for taper easy. Wait, what's that Lassie? Timmy's fell down a well? The old barn is on fire? WE AREN'T RUNNING FOR TAPER? well i'll be damned. and here I thought in track we would.. well, run. At the very least play frisbee.
So now I've got some extra time in the day. Not to mention some extra energy. Yesterday I went swimming in the Farmington, on an excursion that taught me a valuable truth: if a hill looks muddy and slippery, it probably is, so don't try to run up it and then subsequently faceplant into the mud.
Anyway, going to Fitzgeralds for some taper friendly food, because I just cannot force myself to eat the school apples. after "practice" that is. Yes I have to go and "run" now.

Is anyone else getting really annoyed by the day students braging about their newly aquired ability to drive around with their shiny new licenses? Cause I really am.

welll bye

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Guess who's back.

Yep. Finally going back up on the blog.
Well... today was nice.. twenty mile bike ride excluded, it was very relaxing. Is the fact that my motivation has gone completely out the window? I don't know.. My room smells.. Does anyone have fibreeze? kthx. One thing I have noticed recently is how intertwined my work ethic is with the pokemon VBA ROM Crystal game. When I play it, I stop caring. Go figure. I'm putting a bet out right now. I'm betting I got below an 80 on my term paper. 5 buck. Anyone want to take me up on it? Cause I need something to cheer me up when I recieve a sub-80 grade on a paper I've poured countless hours into. Wow, I just realized I'm listening to Frank Sinatra. That's How tired my brain is. It can tolerate Frank Sinatra for several minutes. Kay. It's all better. Got "G Code" playing.
More on the blog later. Have fun ever-buddies.
PS.. "JIMMIES" is a politicly correct term... I'm from the Cape... bitch

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Winter dreams

Today it's a hill holiday XD and I've realized how much I've neglected my blog. Today I woke up at 12, thus getting the best night sleep in over three weeks. I had a quick, slightly disapointing breakfast (they didn't have apple jacks) and went back to bed, listening to a new Guster CD Duddy burned for me. I was impressed, it's kind of Dispatchy, but not quite as upbeat. after a lazy two hours of music and eating pocky (Moose gave me 4 boxes from her twenty box shipment that's getting refunded) I decided to meander downstairs two the second floor buisness offices two visit Dallen and remind him about the Hill Holiday which he has to work on, while still in my socks and pjs. His face was amusing when he saw my atire, but he got an important buisness related call (probably Netflix- he has over 300 movies waiting on cue there) and I went for a run. The run was ok, but I hadn't had to much food, so I was to tired to enjoy it as much as usual. Once I finnished my run, I revisited Dougie Fresh. Once again intrigued by my clothing (this time sweaty/icy running cloths) he told me that he had a xc team sweatshirt from my freshman year (the year I hadn't gotten one because i didn't thing that I was going to stay on the team long enough for it to arrive) somewhere in his appartment assuming he hadn't given it away and forgotten about it. Then we had a nice long conversation about a sorts of things including my sucky freshman year, my grades (summus, or high honors for home friends), the SATs, and some kid he got kicked out a few years ago that he didn't want kicked out. Then I came up back to my room and here I am. Visiting Dallen tonight during study hall and tomorrow for an advisee feed. Well it's almost dinner and I gotta shower. Here's a nice running quote.
"Maybe I shouldn't have had breakfast at Denny's."
Jordan Kent (who vomited after running the 400 meters in the 2002 USA Junior National Championships held in Eugene, OR)

peace out cub scout