Monday, January 28, 2008

Oh boy! Substance abuse!

So I believe JZ has officially called this upcoming midwinter break substance abuse weekend. That's fine with me.
There was once a time in Anne's life when she was one of the nicest people around. She did the right thing, defending kids from bullying even at the expense of her own popularity, she worked hard, was a disciplined fighter in Tae Kwon Do, and swore never to do drugs or alcohol. Never. Anne did not think that this would ever be a problem, since she assumed she would stay the same as she was when she was 12 for her whole life.
Then Anne's parent's sent Anne to boarding school. Anne experienced an ethical meltdown as she realized that she was actually as interesting and special as a wet carrot, and saw her brother go into a three year tobacco "experiment." She saw that sometimes life is boring and dull, especially if you live at a boarding school in February.
But fear not, for she, Pilot Power Master Steel Crush Helecyrus Anne Razorclaw Cerebros Hoyt, did not become emo, or buy into the belief that "life sucks and then you die." No. But she did finally realize that "expecting life to treat you fairly because you are a good person is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegitarian."
So Anne now believes that while one should not be selfish and reckless, it's not the worst thing in the world to have a few drinks and smoke pot every once in a while.

Also, if she spends another two weeks without doing something really fun, she is going to quit school. Or go crazy. Or both. Or shout, "ARIBA" and dance around a sombrero. Or all three.

ooo.. Here's a poetic and relevent piece of verse... about... weed..

I smoke two joints in times of peace
And two in times of war
I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints
And then I smoke two more.


Juicy said...

"expecting life to treat you fairly because you are a good person is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegitarian."


oh, and I coined the term... welcome to the blogosphere.

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