Wednesday, January 3, 2007

fool me 3 times, i am a dumbass

Well, my mom thought that the bus back to school left on the second. I tried to have her check the shool website to see if it actually leaves on the third, because that is the date that it has left for the past two years. She however did not check, and therefore, the three of us (my bro was there to because he was supposed to be driven back after I got on the bus.) ended up waiting at the Darien bus stop for twenty minutes before we decided to call my dad and confirm the date. Turns out I was right. The bus back leaves tonight. So I got another night at home which i was sort of indifferent about. I meen, I didn't do anything except help my mom take down the Christmass decorations. She said it makes her sad to do this, but I don't really see what the big deal is. I think people really make to much of the holiday season, as if this time of year is any more of a blessing than any other time. Some say, "but it's a time to see your family and (especially for borders) be at home." Well, yea, I mean seeing my family makes me happy to, and its nice to be at home for a bit. But over these past few years I've found that home can exist in more than one place, and family with more than one group of people. So yea, I love being at home with my family, but being at school with my friends is also great. And the work stinks and I REALLY REALLY don't like being in class, but it's things like going for a run at the crack of dawn, having breakfast with my friends, Avatar with Marianne, Annie, Helena, and Polly, DDR marathons, playing UT with Bagel Smiles and Josh, and just hanging out with the apartmenters(Slash doing Niki P's hw) that I can't do at home. So yea, I'm pretty happy about going back to school this time around. I like being home, but I'm not gonna miss it. Bad vegetarian food, here I come!
Well, Moms home, which means it's time leave for the bus.

Bye home friends and see you soon, Westy friends!

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