Monday, January 1, 2007


Well, the shortly anticipated New Year is finally here, and wow I couldn't really care less. I woke up early yesterday, and made myself pancakes with the little mix that we had in the house, went for a run, and then went into the city with my family to have dinner with my Grandma. And she of course picks the resturant that has no vegetarian dinners. Let's actually not get into the dinner. It was akward and... akward. When we got back from that we watched Pirates of the Carrabien 2. And wow, that ending was crap. If it was a TV show, it would be kickass but for a movie, no. Woke up at noon today, got more jiffy at the store, and made pancakes for my brother and I. And my dad made this one behemoth pancake the size of a frisbee. It was fun. I decided not to run today. The weather is great, but I'm really sore. well, I think this is going to be a fun year. I get to visit colleges, be a captian for my favorite team, and step on the senior lawn. Well I'm going back to school tomorrow. I didnt have much to say today, just thought I'd make a post for the hell of it. Happy 07 everyone.

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